
Trading Partners

In overseas trade, since we began exporting molding machines and raw materials etc. to Brazil’s largest plastic sheet maker Sansuy company, we were able to make big connections with Sao Paulo’s Japanese society. Since then, we are expanding transactions with Brazilian companies. In import from Brazil, we introduce health food such as propolis to Japan.
In addition, trade business with Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, India is steadily developing.


MN Propolis Industria Comercio e Exportacao Ltda (BRAZIL)
Sansuy S/A (BRAZIL)
Everplast Machinery Co., Ltd. (台湾)
品穎機械有限公司 (台湾)
廷昇工業股份有限公司 (台湾)


Sansuy S.A.Ind. de Plasticos (BRAZIL)
Plascony Industria de Plasticos Ltda(BRAZIL)



About Us

Name Tosyo Bussan Co., Ltd.
Representative director Hirohiko Shibata
Executive councilor Chiwa Furukawa
Founded July 12, 1974
Capital 10 million yen
Business line Chemicals, plastics raw materials, products and machinery sales, health food import and sale
Bank Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Toranomon Branch (Account No.: Current 501063)
Office 2F Ishikawa CO Bldg. 2F, 1-9-11, Kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (company owned)
Tel 03-5298-1423
FAX 03-5298-1426
E-mail kenko@tosyobussan.co.jp
Narita Warehouse 1217 Kitanaka Takocho, Katori-gun, Chiba


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